Tuesday, 26 February 2013

RIP Todd

"It's a strange thing to become attached to someone or something that can't even tell you if it loves you. But sometimes it is said through actions and not words, and that is what makes it so hard."

Somewhat of a morbid return to blogging, and something that to some may seem out of character but I need to do this because not only am I such a lover of animals but Todd was such a wonderful little character and his death so sudden and sad that I feel that I cannot do this any other way.

As you can gather, someone in my life called Todd has died, today to be precise, and Todd was my pet Degu. For those who do not know what a Degu is; it's a Chilean rodent with large black eyes and big ears, brown mousey colouring traditionally and is bigger than a mouse but smaller than a rat or guinea pig.

It may seem bizarre to done to make a eulogy for a pet but those who have seen a Degu will know they are full of life and character more so than most other rodents. Todd himself though was a unique Degu and is justified for a small eulogy.

We bought Todd in 2009 after falling in love with him when we saw him on his own in a pet shop cage. Sarah and myself had just purchased another Degu cage and gear with the idea of buying some youngsters to put in with George and Charlie; our other two Degu. That plan changed though when we saw Todd all on his own waiting to be adopted by somebody, see Degus normally live in pairs at least do for Todd to be alone was sad in itself. It turned out his cage buddy had died and he wouldn't pair with anyone else.

We drove home after the initial encounter and both agreed, even if not out loud, that we had to go back for him. A few days later we did.

Todd turned out to be troublesome at times. Attacking or other two Degu at times and even biting Sarah so bad where she had to go to hospital. Threes were traits from him being a loner though, and he did have another side. He was adorably cute when he was relaxed; he would let you pet and stroke him and even lift his leg in approval and groom you back. He brought happiness into our lives.

Unfortunately Todd came down with suspected pneumonia suddenly over the weekend and never recovered, dying today around 1pm. It was so tragic to lose him so suddenly and knowing he was fighting and hurting so much, he was also the youngest of three which is hard for me to take too.

The three Degu were also mine and Sarah's first pets together; and the first pets that I have truly bonded with. Todd only ever wanted to be loved and cared for, and he was, deeply. He has left a big gap in my heart and I will miss him so much. He could cheer me up by just sticking his nose through the cage and sniffingin your general direction. He deserved a better ending than dying in such discomfort but unfortunately I can't change that, all I can do is try and convey how special and wonderful he was and if anyone gets that and can even slightly feel my loss then this eulogy will have done its job.

Godspeed Todd, I love you dearly and always will.

2009 - 2013

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